Your Professional reputation
Practice Tips, Networking, Law School Haley Grieco Practice Tips, Networking, Law School Haley Grieco

Your Professional reputation

When you think about your professional reputation, you first need to acknowledge that this is not about people “liking” you. Not everyone you come across will like you – no matter how you treat them. If this is your measure, you are setting yourself up for failure. Rather, we encourage you to think about your reputation as what people can expect from you when they interact with you professionally.

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Amy’s LLM Journey
Practice Tips, Law School Haley Grieco Practice Tips, Law School Haley Grieco

Amy’s LLM Journey

Getting an LLM in taxation is something that was always in the back of Amy’s mind as she worked in an estate planning firm with a tax focus. Finally, after seven years in practice, she felt ready to investigate. She was hesitate to go back to school, but wanted to learn more - what’s the harm in applying?

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Your best work day
Work Life Balance, Practice Tips Haley Grieco Work Life Balance, Practice Tips Haley Grieco

Your best work day

There are a few keys to setting yourself up for your best work day. The first is knowing yourself and how you work. However, this self-awareness is not enough because, if it was, we would all be able to work efficiently more easily. But you need to take that awareness of how you work and identify strategies that help you in your work day and things that are less effective ways of accomplishing your tasks.

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Who Has time for hobbies?
Work Life Balance Haley Grieco Work Life Balance Haley Grieco

Who Has time for hobbies?

Hobbies may seem like a luxury that a busy professional does not, and maybe should not, have time for. However, our hobbies enhance our lives in ways that make us better women, wives, mothers, and attorneys. For us hobbies are not just fun, but they are critical to our well being.

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