Your Professional reputation

Hi All!

In this episode we talk about why your professional reputation is so important and how you think about cultivating your own reputation.  When you think about your professional reputation, you first need to acknowledge that this is not about people “liking” you.  Not everyone you come across will like you – no matter how you treat them.  If this is your measure, you are setting yourself up for failure.  Rather, we encourage you to think about your reputation as what people can expect from you when they interact with you professionally.

A practice with a referral base requires an established professional reputation in order to be successful and to continue to generate business from these referrals.  This referral business works both ways.  Just as you are more likely to refer business to an attorney who has a reputation that you know and find reliable, other attorneys are more likely to make referrals to professionals that they have found to be reliable.

Your reputation does not just affect a referral-based business.  In a practice area that does not involve referrals, your reputation can affect you in other ways.  Chances are, if you are consistently practicing in the same area of law you will encounter some of the same people on the regular basis.  In these situations your reputation will precede you and will help to inform someone as to what to expect before the case even begins.


Three Pillars for Developing a Strong Professional Reputation

1.     Consistency

2.     Integrity 

3.     Strength


Consistency helps to inform others what they can expect when they come across you.  The best way to strengthen this pillar is consistently doing what you say you will do.  Think about this – what are you consistently showing others?  Are you consistent with returning phone calls?  Do you regularly forget assignments?  Are you showing up on time for appointments?  Are you consistently inconsistent?  Chances are people have an impression of who you are by what you are consistently doing – or not doing.  It is up to you to decide whether that outward appearance is reflective of what you want for yourself professionally.

When thinking about your own integrity you may ask yourself the following question – can you be relied upon to be honest?  Something else to think about with your integrity is gossip in a professional setting.  Believe it or not – people know and it impacts their view of you and your reputation. 

Finally, when thinking about strength ask yourself this – what makes you a great professional to work with?  What are you really good at?  How do you show your strengths?  Do you exhibit these strengths in a way that makes others interested in working with you?  Do you share your strength in a way that is supportive of others?

It is important to keep in mind that your reputation can always change depending on how you are showing up everyday. Just as you can damage a strong reputation by changing your behavior - you can also repair a less than stellar reputation by understanding your values and believes and relying on the pillars above.

What is important to you when you think about your professional reputation? Share your thoughts on reputation with us - find us on Instagram @lawyerswholaunch.

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Thank you! Haley & Amy

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You are more than your transcript

