Who Has time for hobbies?

Hi All,

We both have a very special relationship with our personal hobbies, but as with many things, approach them in very different ways. Hobbies may seem like a luxury that a busy professional does not, and maybe should not, have time for. However, our hobbies enhance our lives in ways that make us better women, wives, mothers, and attorneys. For us hobbies are not just fun, but they are critical to our well being.

It is all well and good to tell you how important hobbies are to us, but that does not really help you if you cannot seem to fit it in. In this episode we talk about, not only, some of our favorite hobbies, but simple, practical ways to incorporate them into an already packed schedule.

Do you have any hobbies that you love that we can try? Tell us!

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Thank you! Haley & Amy

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