Your best work day

Hi All,

Your best work day is a very personal matter. In this episode we dive into things that make our “best work day.” Really what we focus on are the ways that we set up for success in a work day to make ourselves most efficient.

There are a few keys to setting yourself up for your best work day. The first is knowing yourself and how you work. However, this self-awareness is not enough because, if it was, we would all be able to work efficiently more easily. But you need to take that awareness of how you work and identify strategies that help you in your work day and things that are less effective ways of accomplishing your tasks. It is at this point when you are more aware of what works and what doesn’t work that you can focus more on the things that work for you.

This is not a lesson on a complete overhaul of your work day. Rather, it is an integration of small steps overtime that develops into a more comprehensive shift in your best work day.

Will you still have bad days? Yes! When you have those days where everything seems out of control that is when you can rely on the evaluative work you did in analyzing your best work day and go back to those small steps and get on track.

We would truly love to hear from you! Did any of our tips work for you? Do you have any tips you would like to share with us? Any tips we can share with the Lawyers Who Launch community?

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Thank you! Haley & Amy

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