Measuring Success

Hi All!

During this episode we discuss measuring success. We believe it is not just about traditional measures of success. The key to true success for you is the why behind the goals you set for yourself. These must be tailored to fit your personal and professional values.

How do we determine the goals that will fit our own ideas about success?

Identifying what is important to you is critical and also very personal. This is not just confined to your professional identify, but your personal and professional lives will intersect, so it is important to take all aspect of your life into account when developing your metrics for success.

Continued evaluation and consideration of your goals over the course of your life is also important. You want to check in with yourself to make sure that your goals and measures for success align with any inevitable changes in your life.

Milestones are a measure of success for some of us. But again, it is not just the milestone that is important, but what that milestone means to you.

We also offered three guidelines to help you define your success:

  1. Don’t play the comparison game.

  2. Don’t get caught up in someone else’s definition of your success.

  3. Don’t be afraid to shift your definition of success.

Let us know how you are defining success for yourself!

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Thank you! Haley & Amy

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