Finding balance

Hi All,

In this episode we discussed searching for balance. Balance is an illusion, and yet, a common goal. We strive for it, and likely you do too. But is it realistic?

Yes and no. Total balance over everything in your life is completely impossible. So let’s forget about that. Instead let’s focus on moments or periods of time that feel good and steady. It is this type of balance that is more attainable.

There are also seasons of your life that are inherently more off balance than other times. Acknowledging that imbalance in the first step. Take control over what you can and recognize that which you cannot change. You also do not have to tackle everything at once.

During the episode we talk about how we prioritize ourselves at times to help us feel more centered and in control. We encourage you to look at your life and obligations and look for opportunities to create balance. Maybe you plan a day off from work. Maybe you delegate a task to someone else. The opportunities are all around us, if we look for them.

We would really love to hear from you about how you are navigating the balance tightrope!

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Thank you! Haley & Amy

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