Clearness Committee

Clearness Committee

This week we revisit Greg McKeown’s book “Effortless” and talk about the clearness committees utilized by the Quaker community. In the Quaker community, the clearness committee is a group of community members that a person can meet with to present a decision they are trying to make. The goal is for the clearness committee not to instill their opinions in the matter, but to ask questions that will assist the person to gain clarity in their decision.

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Bonus Episode:  Haley’s Solo
Work Life Balance Haley Grieco Work Life Balance Haley Grieco

Bonus Episode: Haley’s Solo

Digging deep into the importance of this hobby for Haley revealed the most important thing for her - the community of this specific group of women. This is not just about moving her body once per week. It is the support of being with women who you know care about each other and can laugh, cry, vent, and lean on each other.

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Stop “Shoulding” All Over Yourself

Stop “Shoulding” All Over Yourself

Being a lawyer takes a certain amount of drive and ambition. Law school overtly and intentionally pits student versus student and those comparisons are very well known. This environment makes it very easy to consider all of the things you think you “should” be doing - but all of these “shoulds” make it easy for you to lose sight of yourself in the process. But how do you stop “shoulding” all over yourself?

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JMT Speaks - with Haley
Networking Haley Grieco Networking Haley Grieco

JMT Speaks - with Haley

Authenticity is something that Jenn speaks about quite a bit. I was lucky to get a taste of this from her during this episode. She talked about how authenticity not just learning who you are, but also who you are not. She also explained the value that vulnerability plays in the journey to finding your authentic self.

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Leaving the Law
Work Life Balance Haley Grieco Work Life Balance Haley Grieco

Leaving the Law

For now we are discussing a few of the reasons why attorneys start to ponder leaving the law - lack of control, pressure, and a general dissatisfaction. Lack of control is not unique to law or any specific practice area. However, within each practice areas the level of control you have and the areas over which you have control vary.

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You are more than your transcript
Law School Haley Grieco Law School Haley Grieco

You are more than your transcript

For the three years of laws school we were hyper-focused on whether or not our transcript would be good enough to make all of this work worthwhile. Would it tell prospective employers that we would be good employees? Was it reflective of all of the sacrifices? What did it tell us about our futures?

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