A Deeper Meaning in Estate Planning
Practice Tips Haley Grieco Practice Tips Haley Grieco

A Deeper Meaning in Estate Planning

As an estate planning attorney Amy meets with clients to review their personal and financial information and make a recommendation for the type of estate planning documents such as a will or certain type of trust that will best accomplish their goals and minimize their tax exposure.

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Email Like a Professional
Amy Smith Amy Smith

Email Like a Professional

When you are applying for jobs and internships as a law student, you’ll find the majority of your correspondence will be via email. Your email will often be your first impression and you want to make sure that it is a positive one. Here are three easy ways to make your emails more professional and successful.

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Getting a Screen Free Hobby
Law School, Work Life Balance Haley Grieco Law School, Work Life Balance Haley Grieco

Getting a Screen Free Hobby

There are so many distractions happening on our phones, tablets, and computers. And so many of our practices now include meetings and appearances that also appear on screens. If your hobby is one that you need technology to do, you may want to at least consider silencing notifications and staying off of other apps. However, we really would love for you to try something totally off line.

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New Year Reflect and Reset

New Year Reflect and Reset

Welcome to 2022! For our first episode back in the new year, we are looking at reflecting on the previous year and resetting for the new year. We have four steps for lawyers and law students that we are going to go through to help you evaluate where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there as we enter 2022.

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Goal Setting for the New Year
Practice Tips, Law School Haley Grieco Practice Tips, Law School Haley Grieco

Goal Setting for the New Year

The end of the year is a natural closing point for many things and it usually calls people to evaluate goals and look to the future. Neither one of us is big into making New Year’s resolutions. Rather we like making concrete plans and setting goals for ourselves for the coming year. Here are five steps to setting yourself up for success in the new year.

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End of the Year Overwhelm
Practice Tips, Law School, Work Life Balance Haley Grieco Practice Tips, Law School, Work Life Balance Haley Grieco

End of the Year Overwhelm

As we approach the end of the year, the calendar seems to be getting shorter but our to do lists are getting longer and longer - professionally and personally. Between work, holidays, kids school schedules, holiday parties, and all of the work that is needed to make it all happen, it’s a hectic time. This week we are going to share the ways we try to keep the end of the year overwhelm under control with four strategies we use to keep the overwhelm at bay.

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Keeping An Attitude of Gratitude
Law School, Work Life Balance, Practice Tips Haley Grieco Law School, Work Life Balance, Practice Tips Haley Grieco

Keeping An Attitude of Gratitude

Keeping an attitude of gratitude sounds like it should be on a decorative plaque. Ignoring the obvious cheesiness of this saying we do appreciate how much we have to be grateful for. But when your to do list is stretching down the page, your final exams are looming, and you are feeling stressed out it can be difficult to stay focused on gratitude.

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The Courage To Say it Out Loud
Law School, Networking Haley Grieco Law School, Networking Haley Grieco

The Courage To Say it Out Loud

The biggest challenge is to get started. It can be scary to put yourself out there. You may wonder what people will say. You may be worried that you don’t have something worth contributing. Or you may start to play the comparison game and think you’ll never be as good as the person you follow on social media. Have courage and take the first step to say it loud. Your voice, your perspective, and your ideas are valuable.

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